Monday, June 1, 2009

Review -- Smoke Screen

Smoke Screen
by Sandra Brown
Published by Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, 2008
416 pages
Summary: Britt wakes up to find herself in bed with the dead body of police detective Jay Burgess. Suspected of killing Jay, Britt tries to remember what happened that night so she can defend herself in front of the police and media. Before being arrested, she is kidnapped by a former disgraced fire fighter who is looking for answers to Jay's death. Together, they look for connections between a fire from the past and the heroes (like Jay) who are ending up dead.

Review: My aunt, who is a huge Sandra Brown fan, lent me this book. I can understand why she enjoys Ms. Brown's books. The plot was fast paced and fun -- I did not want to put it down. The story was interesting and kept my attention, though by the end I really didn't care who the killer was. The best part of this book was the relationship between the main characters and their journey to figure out who killed their friend. Great summer beach read. Rating: *** out of 5


Darlene said...

I've never read this one. I've only read one by Sandra Brown and that was Chill Factor. It was really good.

Marie Cloutier said...

Great succinct review- glad you enjoyed it! :-)